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Word Count ๐Ÿ“Š โ€‹

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Repository: GitHub GitHub

Stack: Golang CLI

Description โ€‹

WCGO is a Go implementation of the Unix wc command. It provides detailed statistics about a file or input from the standard input (stdin), including the number of bytes, lines, words, and characters.

Features โ€‹

  • Count Statistics:
    • Bytes (-c)
    • Lines (-l)
    • Words (-w)
    • Characters (-m)
  • Standard Input: If no file is specified, the utility reads from stdin.
  • Multiple Files Support: Outputs statistics for each file and a total count if more than one file is specified.

Inspiration โ€‹

This project was inspired by the Coding Challenge: Word Count.

License โ€‹

This project is licensed under the MIT License.